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102 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Ju Hyun Myung, Jong Woo Lee, Hyung-Sun Kim, Keeho Kim, Jeong-Yeol Jang, Tae-Ho Yoon, Sung Kyeong Kim, Dae-Kyu Choi, Chin-Wook Chung, Geun Young Yeom, Jae-Min Myoung, Hyoung-June Kim, Photoresist ashing technology using N2/O2 ferrite-core ICP in the dual damascene process, Journal of Materials Science 41 (2006.08) 5040-5042.
101 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, J. H. Myung, S. H. Shim, W. S. Hwang, Characteristics of Indium Oxide Rod-Like Structures Synthesized on Sapphire Substrates, Materials Science Forum 518 (2006.07.15) 143-148.
100 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, S. H. Shim, C. Lee, Annealing Effects on GaN/ZnO/Si Structures Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering, Materials Science Forum 518 (2006.07.15) 137-142.
99 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Fabrication of ZnO-Coated MgO Nanorods by Using ALD, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 49 (2006.07.15) 241-245.
98 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, J. H. Myung, S. H. Shim, C. Lee, Growth of Bi2O3 rods using a trimethylbismuth and oxygen mixture, Applied Physics A 84 (2006.07) 187-189.
97 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Ju Hyun Myung, Chongmu Lee, Structural Study of In2O3 Structures Grown by the Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition, Materials Science Forum 517 (2006.06.15) 77-80.
96 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Growth and Characterization of Ga2O3 Nanoribbons and Nanosheets, Materials Science Forum 517 (2006.06.15) 53-56.
95 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Synthesis and Properties of SnO2 One-Dimensional Nanomaterials on Pt-Coated Substrates, Materials Science Forum 517 (2006.06.15) 21-24.
94 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Ju Hyun Myung, Nam Ho Kim, Han Sup Lee, Se-Geun Park, Jae Gab Lee, Chin Wook Chung, Wan Jae Park, Chang-Jin Kang, Chung-Gon Yoo, Kwang-Hyuk Ko, Je-Ho Woo, Sang-Don Choi, Dae-Kyu Choi, Study of ashing for low-k dielectrics using the N2/O2 ferrite-core inductively coupled plasmas, Thin Solid Films 506-507 (2006.05.26) 222-224.
93 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Characteristics of Ga2O3 nanomaterials grown on chromium substrates, European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 34 (2006.05.25) 77-80.