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112 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Helical nanostructures of SiOx synthesized through the heating of Co-coated substrates, Applied Surface Science 253 (2007.01.30) 3664-3668.
111 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Chongmu Lee, Effects of thermal annealing on the properties of ZnO-coated MgO nanowires, Materials Science and Engineering: B 136 (2007.01.25) 148-153.
110 (SCIE) Y. Kim, H. W. Kim, C. Lee*, Effects of annealing on structure, resistivity and transmittance of Ga doped ZnO films, Materials Science and Technology 23 (2007.01) 108-112.
109 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Synthesis and characteristics of SnO2 needle-shaped nanostructures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 426 (2006.12.21) 286-289.
108 (SCIE) Sookjoo Kim, Jinho Jeon, Hyoun Woo Kim, Jae Gab Lee, Chongmu Lee*, Influence of substrate temperature and oxygen/argon flow ratio on the electrical and optical properties of Ga-doped ZnO thin films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering, Crystal Research and Technology 41 (2006.12) 1194-1197.
107 (SCIE) Keunbin Yim, Hyounwoo Kim, Chongmu Lee*, Effects of the O2/Ar gas flow ratio on the electrical and transmittance properties of ZnO:Al films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, Journal of Electroceramics 17 (2006.12) 875-877.
106 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, SnO2 microparticles by thermal evaporation and their properties, Ceramics International 32 (2006.12) 943-946.
105 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Study of ZnO-coated SnO2 nanostructures synthesized by a two-step process, Applied Surface Science 253 (2006.11.15) 510-514.
104 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Jong Woo Lee, Chongmu Lee, Production of Bi2O3 Nanorods via a Catalyst-Free Approach, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 49 (2006.08.15) 632-636.
103 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Chongmu Lee, Temperature-Controlled Synthesis of MgO Nanorods, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 49 (2006.08.15) 628-631.