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122 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim,* Jong Woo Lee, Chongmu Lee, Temperature-Controlled Fabrication of Crystalline β-Bi2O3 Nanowires through an MOCVD Process, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50 (2007.05.15) 1308-1311.
121 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim,* Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Mi Kyoung Park, Jae-Won Soh, Keun Hyeung Lee, Wan In Lee, Ik-Mo Lee, Sang-Eon Park, Pt-Catalyzed Growth of Amorphous SiOx Nanowires, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50 (2007.05.15) 1276-1280.
120 (SCIE) Chongmu Lee*, Su Young Park, Jongmin Lim, Hyoun Woo Kim, Growth of p-type ZnO thin films by using an atomic layer epitaxy technique and NH3 as a doping source, Materials Letters 61 (2007.05) 2495-2498.
119 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Bicrystalline gallium oxide nanobelts, Thin Solid Films 515 (2007.04.23) 5158-5162.
118 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Dong Yeop Shin, Chang Hyun Wi, Byung Don Yoo, Chongmu Lee, Beom Hoan O, Seung Gol Lee, Se-Geun Park, Joohee Kim, Duck Jin Chung, Sung Pil Chang, Seok Hyun Lee, Study of SnO2 Nanorods Coated Using the PECVD Technique, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50 (2007.04.14) 1085-1089.
117 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, S. H. Shim, Fabrication and structural characterization of Mg2SiO4 nanowires, Applied Physics A 86 (2007.03) 361-364.
116 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, Temperature-controlled synthesis of Ga2O3 nanobelts and nanosheets, Applied Physics A 86 (2007.03) 315-319.
115 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Characteristics of SiOx nanowires synthesized via the thermal heating of Cu-coated Si substrates, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 37 (2007.03) 163-167.
114 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Synthesis and characteristics of MgO nanowires on Ag-coated substrates, Physica Status Solidi (a) 204 (2007.02) 563-568.
113 (SCIE) Chongmu Lee*, Hyoun Woo Kim, Sookjoo Kim, Organic contaminants removal by oxygen ECR plasma, Applied Surface Science 253 (2007.01.30) 3658-3663.