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132 (SCIE) Wangwoo Lee, R. D. Dwivedi, Chanseok Hong, Hyoun Woo Kim, Namhee Cho, Chongmu Lee*, Enhancement of the electrical properties of Al-doped ZnO films deposited on ZnO-buffered glass substrates by using an ultrathin aluminum underlayer, Journal of Materials Science 43 (2008.02) 1159-1161.
131 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Sn-Catalyzed Growth of MgO Nanowires, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7 (2007.12) 4434-4438.
130 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, SiOx-sheathed carbon nanotubes prepared via a sputtering technique, Carbon 45 (2007.11) 2695-2698.
129 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Jong Woo Lee, Seung Hyun Shim, Study of Bi2O3 nanorods grown using the MOCVD technique, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 126 (2007.09.20) 306-310.
128 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, S. H. Shim, Temperature-controlled fabrication of SnO2 nanoparticles via thermal heating of Sn powders, Applied Physics A 88 (2007.09) 769-773.
127 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Chongmu Lee, Controlled Growth and Characterization of MgO Nanowires by Varying the Thickness of the Underlying Au Layers, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 51 (2007.07.14) 204-208.
126 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Jong Woo Lee, Seung Hyun Shim and Chongmu Lee, Controlled Growth of SnO2 Nanorods by Thermal Evaporation of Sn Powders, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 51 (2007.07.14) 198-203.
125 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Cone-shaped structures of GeO2 fabricated by a thermal evaporation process, Applied Surface Science 253 (2007.06.30) 7207-7210.
124 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Chongmu Lee, Hae Jin Hwang, Sung-Yoon Chung, Hyung-Sun Kim, Sun Keun Hwang, Geun Young Yeom, Nae-Eung Lee, Ji-Beom Yoo, Young-Chang Joo, Hyeong Joon Kim, Euijoon Yoon, Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Photoluminescence Properties of SiOx Nanowires Prepared Using a Palladium Catalyst, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50 (2007.06.15) 1799-1802.
123 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Growth of MgO thin films with subsequent fabrication of ZnO rods: Structural and photoluminescence properties, Thin Solid Films 515 (2007.06.04) 6433-6437.