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142 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Jong Woo Lee, GeO2 nanostructures fabricated by heating of Ge powders: Pt-catalyzed growth, structure, and photoluminescence, Physica E 40 (2008.05) 2499-2503.
141 (SCIE) Chongmu Lee*, Anna Park, Youngjoon Cho, Minwoo Park, Wan In Lee, Hyoun Woo Kim, Influence of ZnO buffer layer thickness on the electrical and optical properties of indium zinc oxide thin films deposited on PET substrates, Ceramics International 34 (2008.05) 1093-1096.
140 (SCIE) Chongmu Lee*, Wangwoo Lee, Hojin Kim, Hyoun Woo Kim, Influence of annealing atmosphere on the structure, resistivity and transmittance of InZnO thin films, Ceramics International 34 (2008.05) 1089-1092.
139 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Synthesis and characterization of crystalline β-Bi2O3 nanobelts, Thin Solid Films 516 (2008.04.01) 3665-3668.
138 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Variation of ZnO shell thickness and its effects on the characteristics of coaxial nanowires, Nanotechnology 19 (2008.03.04) 145601.
137 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, M. H. Kong, J.-H. Yang, Catalyst-Free Growth of Magnesium Oxide Whiskers and Their Characteristics, Acta Physica Polonica A 113 (2008.03) 1021-1024.
136 (SCIE) H. W. Kim*, J. W. Lee, J.-H. Yang, SiOx Nanowires Produced on Molybdenum-Coated Si Substrates, Acta Physica Polonica A 113 (2008.03) 1017-1020.
135 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Chongmu Lee, Sae Chae Jeoung, ZnO-sheathed SiOx nanowires: Annealing effect, Optical Materials 30 (2008.03) 1221-1224.
134 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Seung Hyun Shim, Jong Woo Lee, Mesfin A. Kebede, Hack-Hui Yang, Myung Ho Kong, Sun Muk Choi, Jae-Hak Yang, Hee-Jang Bang, Hak Yeong Kim, Coating of MgO nanorods with protective layers: Sputtering with a Si target, structure, and photoluminescence properties, Surface & Coatings Technology 202 (2008.02.25) 2503-2508.
133 (SCIE) Hyoun Woo Kim*, Jong Woo Lee, Woon Suk Hwang, Beom Hoan O, Seung Gol Lee, Se-Geun Park, Joohee Kim, Duck Jin Chung, Sung Pil Chang, Young-Chang Joo, Junghoon Joo, Chin Wook Chung, Wan Jae Park, Chang-Jin Kang, Sukho Joo, Soon Oh Park, Chung-Gon Yoo, Sung Kyeong Kim, Joung Ho Lee, Sang-Deog Cho, Dae-Kyu Choi, Keeho Kim, Jeong-Yeol Jang, Etching characteristics of photoresist and low-k dielectrics by Ar/O2 ferrite-core inductively coupled plasmas, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008.02) 300-303.